Thursday 21 May 2009

Bloke Said.

According to one of our cab drivers today, all the thousands of pink sacks that go out each week for recycling end up in landfill anyway. "There's no money in it" said our Sage of the Steering. "Bin Man told me".

We put 3 or 4 pink sacks out per week. Not just trees, but plastic bottles, cartons, tin foil, tins, aluminium cans, glass - you name it. All in one sack. The only stuff that needs to be sorted differently are textiles, which used to go into the pink sacks until they started collecting glass that way. Now clothing and shoes go in white sacks. Garden stuff goes out in green or grey sacks, I forget which, and food waste for composting in blue bins. Landfill or recylcing - at least bin days are colourful now. Hopefully Bin Man enjoys the diversity.

I'd prefer to continue believing that I'm helping the environment with my one black sack for every 6 or 7 pink ones.

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